Men's JTD #234 Sponsor Application: July 31 - August 3, 2025

July 31 - August 3, 2025 | Sponsor Registration
Pilgrim Information

Sponsor Information

Sponsor's Pilgrim Journey Information

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Sponsor Responsibilities

Sponsors are God's personal missionaries upon whose shoulders the Journey To Damascus community rests.

As a member of the greater 4th day community, it is the sponsor's duty to;

1. Consider the pilgrim's current situation; spiritually, physically, emotionally, etc. for the intense weekend of renewal that awaits them.

2. Remember that your sponsorship involves a commitment to the spiritual growth of the pilgrim and shouldn't be focused on simply helping to fill rosters

3. Discuss with your pilgrim what he/she can expect to experience throughout the weekend as well as what will be expected of them. It is important to particularly emphasize that should try their best to always have an open mind and receptive heart

4. Explain the ecumenical nature of the format of the Journey To Damascus weekend to help ensure the pilgrim is tolerant and respectful to the beliefs and traditions of others, but assure them that the intent is not to convert them, or have them try to convert others.

5. Be prepared and involved in guiding them into their 4th Day by providing continuing prayer, guidance and fellowship. As stated elsewhere, it's imperitive to get them involved in a reunion group.

If you are not currently active in a reunion group yourself, please locate and become involved or start one yourself before your pilgrim attends a Journey to Damascus weekend.

Please select all that apply.
Please explain/list if you are aware of any other pilgrims or team members that your pilgrims might be familiar with, or related to

Refund Policy (Team)

Please select all that apply.
Payment and Fees



July 31 - August 3, 2025
Sponsor Registration