JTD #231 Contribution Form

April 3-6, 2025 | This form is used to donate green agape or team and pilgrim fees.
Contact info

This form will be for any contributions made for JTD #231.

The Journey to Damascus Board of Directors will pay for the first $500, or 4 - $125 scholarships, from the Scholarship Fund.  A full scholarship is considered to be $125.  There is a separate fund set aside for any money donated which has been designated to go towards scholarships.  Anything designated to go toward scholarships must be used for that purpose.  If it does not go toward a scholarship, it will be transferred to the Scholarship Fund at the end of the specified Journey weekend, unless the donor specifies that it can be changed to Green Agape to help cover any costs of that weekend.

Green Agape is money donated at meetings and online with the intent for it to be used to help cover any costs for a Journey weekend. 

If you would like to pay for a specific team or pilgrim, please list their name. 

Contribution Type

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


April 3-6, 2025
This form is used to donate green agape or team and pilgrim fees.